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Tackle Online AP Exams Smartly

AP Exams 2020

The AP exams start tomorrow, May 11th, 2020. Typically, AP exams are administered in school during the month of May.  Given the extraordinary circumstances due to COVID-19, the College Board has changed the AP testing process for the 2019-20 school year, shifting to online testing. The first time ever the exams will be administered online.

What is different?

  1. They are shorter, just 45 minutes, instead of the usual 3 hours.

  2. They'll only test what was covered in most classes before schools closed.

  3. All questions are Free Response Essay Questions (FRQ)

  4. It will be an open book test.

  5. There's no limit on scores of 3, 4, and 5.

How to prepare?

  1. Prepare for an open book/open note exam just as you would a traditional AP Exam

  2. Finding facts, formulas, or other information in your notes is only one step to answering an exam question—you have to apply the information in order to complete the task.

  3. AP students can now attend FREE, live AP classes and review, delivered by AP teachers from across the country.

  4. Take the practice tests available. Click for exam-specific info

What do you need to do?

  1. 48 hours before the exams you will receive an email with your e-ticket.

  2. Use your e-ticket to check-in to your online exam 30 minutes before the start time.

  3. During the exam, all work must be your own. DO NOT collaborate with anyone in any way.

  4. Check the AP Exam online schedule

  5. What do you need on AP Exam Day? Here's is a checklist

  6. The College Board STRONGLY urges you to take the exams during the May window for two reasons:  

  • Scores from June exams may be significantly delayed and

  • If you experience a technological issue with the exam in June there will be no opportunity to re-take the exam.

Wishing you all the best for the AP exams.

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