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Halloween 2020: a Trick or a Treat?

Updated: Oct 31, 2020

A season of colors, leaves, and wind, autumn is considered to be a nostalgic time for everyone. Yet, even with attractions such as scarecrows, pumpkin patches, cinnamon-spiced lattes, Halloween continues to be the prime focus for both children and adults. Considered the second-largest commercially successful holiday, Halloween is one of the most memorable days for everyone! However, 2020 has been a scary year- for all the wrong reasons. Due to COVID-19, Halloween is going to play out much differently this year. So the question is: can you still celebrate Halloween in 2020?

Halloween Parties

How are Halloween parties going to play out? The answer is they won’t, at least not in the typical sense. Obviously, going to a party or event with lots of unfamiliar people during a pandemic is not the best course of action, so what are some alternatives? While you can’t meet with friends in person, there are various online contests that are enjoyable for people of all ages. From pumpkin carving to scariest costume, the Internet has countless resources available at the click of a finger.

Trick or Treating

Trick or treating is the single most iconic Halloween activity, and it’s the core reason why October 31st is considered to be such an unusual and memorable holiday. While it’s best to play it safe and forget about trick or treating entirely this year, there are some precautions that you can take to make trick or treating much safer if you decide to go.

  • Carry hand sanitizer at all times

  • Avoid homemade products

  • Practice social distancing and wear a protective face mask

  • Avoid having candy in a bowl that others are free to take

Smart Ways to Celebrate Halloween

Although 2020 has indeed been chaotic and frustrating, there are countless ways you can celebrate Halloween with friends and family. Here are some fun activities that you can do:

  • Online costume parties

  • Car parades

  • Halloween decorating

  • Corn mazes

  • Scary movie nights

  • Halloween themed family dinner


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