Course Overview
Coursework Includes:
LEVEL 4.5: Communication Skills Lab
A Bridge Course to Level - 5 Program
Total Duration
3 Phases for
12 hours each
Recommended Age
14 years - 60 years
Effort Outside Class
1 hour/week
What is the difference between talking and conversing?
Talking is a one-way street where a person just speaks to an audience while conversing is a 2-way street where a person speaks and listens to engage in meaningful interaction. Keeping a conversation going is an art.
Conversational skills are crucial in everyday life and in jobs. 69% list strong communication skills as a reason they are confident in hiring graduates from business school.
Enspire Communication Skills Lab is designed for students who can take the challenge of advancing their communication skills by participating in real-life projects. Please consult your coach to help you determine your eligibility for this program.
The purpose of this self-directed course is to help students improve everyday conversations while increasing engagement. This course is conducted as a skills lab where students learn by practicing conversational skills.
Classes can be offered through in-person training and virtual meetings.
How It Works?
Enspire Academy uses practical & scientific methods to elevate confidence, speaking and writing skills
Level - 4.5 training includes a wide variety of practical exercises, classroom collaboration, and projects. Students meet once a week in Fall, Winter, or Spring to learn the coursework and practice the skills.
The course is self-paced and flexible. But, students need to successfully graduate from Level-4 to start the coursework. Classes can be taken either in-person or through zoom virtual meetings.
The coursework includes
Game and role-play to improve conversational skills
Classroom collaboration to improve interpersonal skills
Personalized feedback
After completing successfully completing the coursework, students will be invited to initiate the Enspire Success Projects.
Students with a rating of 3’s and 4’s automatically advance to Phases 1, 2, and 3 while those earning a 2 or less require to repeat the course.
Allocation of projects is purely based on the performance rating.
Skills Lab
Skills lab takes place every week for 1 hour over zoom where students will be practicing conversational skills
Learn by Practicing
How to engage in meaningful conversations?
How to ask effective questions that will keep the conversation going?
How to actively listen during conversations to encourage people to speak?
How to respond effectively?
How to have ethical thinking while conversing?
How to use good narrative skills to make conversations interesting?
How to practice good conversational etiquette?
How to participate in active discussions?
Classroom Collaboration
Participate actively in the virtual classroom to collaborate with peers and plan successful projects.
Learn by Practicing
Participate in active discussions with peers
Practice conversational etiquette
Analyze and discuss current events
Practice ethical thinking through exercises
Collaborate with peers to plan communication projects
Enspire Success Projects
"Enspire Success" is an innovative project designed for the students of Enspire Academy to take their communication skills to a greater level and to inspire success among the youth.
Project Options
Get the opportunity to
Conduct talk shows with peers and outside members (Phase - 1)
Interview people from the community to inspire success. (Phase -2)
Make podcasts on Ensprie Academy's channel (Phase -3) or
Make solo shows on Enspire Academy's YouTube channel (Phase - 3)
Students receive a performance rating in every class based on their assignment effort and growth.
A student may earn the following performance ratings based on their effort & growth:
4 - Excellent
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Developing
1 - Unsatisfactory.
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