Did you know?
Enspire Academy offers many unique opportunities for students at different levels of its step by step curriculum.
In-Person Class Information:
Any student enrolled in any level of the 6-step curriculum of Enspire Academy will learn all the necessary skills required to graduate from the program just by attending the virtual classes.
Attendance to the in-person class is optional and not mandatory.
Students who opted for online classes only will not lose anything by not attending the in-person class. In-person classes are an additional perk, apart from our regular weekly zoom class meetings.
For parents/students who wish to schedule additional in-person meetings/classes must completely understand and agree to Enspire Academy's COVID Safety Acknowledgement.:
By attending the in-person class, you are agreeing to our policies
We assure you, with our new state-of-the-art facility, social distancing can be practiced easily.
In-Person Class for Youth
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